Well, he basically is the size of a 6 month old at 4 months. No one is surprised as both his Daddy and I are tall people, so everyone expects him to be a big guy. He is meeting his milestones just about right on. He's been a tad slow on the rolling over milestone, but what I hear is that big babies are slower on that one. His pediatrician says he isn't worried but I have to actually do tummy time (I'd been slacking off! Bad me, but Asher hates it!).
Anyways, his favorite things: a Pooh bear toy his Nana gave him, his swing his Grammy gave him, Pawpaw (in general he thinks Pawpaw is super), his piano play mat, his snail, his hands, his exersaucer, NickJr on tv, baseballs, dance, and his stroller. He has some other things he likes, but those things seem to just really make him happy or sleepy lol.
Dancing baby!
Chillin' in the exersaucer
Piano play mat he kicks the eve-livin' crap out of
Stroller that puts him to sleep...SCORE!
Baseball Daddy was tossing
Sigh...watching tv
Trying to pull his snail closer
What my little buddy can do now: he's working on sitting up (he hates not being able to see everything), make lots of different sounds, giggle, squeal, reach and grab for things purposefully, manipulate toys, he's found his feet and tries to put those in his mouth, and recognizes boobs and milk bottles (see picture below of him trying to get the milk bottle from his Pawpaw).
Ok, off to play with him. He's just OVER the jumperoo right now (though he enjoyed his time there until all of a sudden, of course). See you later for more Asher news!
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