As usual, they were running a bit behind (my appointment was at 9 and I don't think I saw my doc until 9:30...), but getting me back to pee in a cup and check sugars and protein (at least that's what I assume the dipstick was about) and take my blood pressure at least helped the time go by until I saw the doc. (oh, and don't worry, I really won't blog about every single doc appointment...because I imagine they'll mostly all be similar...but 2nd time hearing the heartbeat was nice.)
What was funny was the first time the nurse took my blood pressure, it was with the automatic machine and it read systolic of 160! That's too high for me, lol. I told the nurse, "That's not right." And she agreed and did it manually. The second reading was something like 138/78. 138 is actually still a tad high for me, but soooo much more normal of a blood pressure. Granted, I had just finished a 12 hour shift where I was in charge, which always makes me apprehensive, and had a patient we had to do a lot with, which is not normal. I'm sure I was still amped.
Anyways, fast forward to the good part. Doc came in to see me and she had this little hand held doppler machine, put some goop on me, and, viola, baby's heartbeat! It was perfectly quick and made me happy to hear it. I didn't realize how sometimes since I have mild to no symptoms (especially moving into the 2nd trimester, now) how I felt I needed that little sound to reassure me all was well. I mean, I feel normal...except I haven't gotten my period and I feel fatter, lol.
She did mention that they ran extra blood tests on me because I work in health care and that I'm immune to Parvo (which made me think of the dog disease and how the hell did I get immune to that...but then I realized it was the human parvovirus, and, whatever, no big deal lol). However, and I knew this before they drew my blood, she was not so thrilled that I have no immunity to CMV. I knew this since before I got pregnant, I gave blood regularly. The technicians at Carter Blood Care had already told me that my blood tested CMV negative, which meant my blood was able to go to babies in need of transfusions (which was AWESOME in my book). They had also told me that most people end up with immunity to it, not because they got sick with CMV or anything, but, like many things most of us are immune to and we don't know it, we were exposed to it, our body fought it, we didn't get sick, and immunity was created. It's not like the doc wants to put me in a bubble or anything, but she just said to be extra careful with the sick patients. Lucky me...we usually don't get patients like that. I can go into details about why...but we just don't.
What I was a tad surprised the doc didn't bring up was that I was Rh Negative (not a big deal, but it buys me extra shots throughout this pregnancy and any further ones...especially since hubbers is Rh positive). But she said all of my blood work looked great, my weight was fine, and my blood pressure was good (thank God for the recheck). She told me I was making it too easy on her. Hello? Could I have a luckier pregnancy so far? I think not.
Anyways, that was that. Like ten minutes with the doc and I was outta there. I have another "tummy check" in four weeks and in five weeks my next ultrasound! Which will be super awesome since not only will we get to see the little minion again...we'll get a guesstimate on what gender our baby is! Let us pray the kiddo cooperates and we get a clear look-see.
We figure after we find out the sex...we'll start looking at buying baby crap!