But, the randoms first.
Things I've learned after almost 3 weeks of having an infant:
- Just because he's in your arms and his eyes are closed, doesn't mean he's asleep! If they've remained closed for 5-10 minutes, you have a greater chance of him actually being asleep.
- Leg kicking, especially combined with smiles, usually means POOP!
- Gripe water is AH-MAZ-ING
- Boobies being out in the open...not naked ::Fill in Day of the Week Here:: anymore.
- Showers are a privilege, not a right. :) (I really can't say this too much. Asher usually allows me a shower if I want one without the need of Brandon helping...I did say USUALLY)
- Arm flailing is an awesome part of throwing fits. You should try it.
Ok, picture time now:
The Labor/Delivery/Recovery room we were in
The warmer for when he's born
Me, no epidural yet, just settled in for the day.
Contraction on the monitor
This is what I looked like during a contraction
His heart rate and one of my blood pressures
Brandon's set up for the day
After the epidural. I was freezing, but no pain!
When we were getting close to push time!
My heart rate...
My epidural pump!
Ah, the Pitocin...
Getting about time to push...
About to deliver baby. Oxygen was for the little drops in his heart rate. Brandon faced the wall all the time!
Our first good look...
At the warmed, getting prepped to hang out with me.
Bundled up.
At home, with spiked hair.
Falling asleep on my chest.
He kicked his covers off.
Mawmaw and Asher
Daddy and Asher
Ninnie and Asher
Getting ready for bath time. (bath pictures omitted to protect the privacy of the body parts exposed lol)